BDO World Youth Championship

1986 for the first time a BDO World Youth Championship took place during the BDO World Championships. for many years it stayed the one and only. But 2015 - after the PDC had introduced 2011 a Youth World Championship - the BDO picked up the idea again and organised und organisierte an annual event. The early rounds were played during the World Masters, the final took place during the BDO World Championships.
Format was First to 3 Sets throughout.

BDO World Youth Champions
1986Mark Day3:1Lee Woodrow
2015Collin Roelofs3:0Harry Ward
2016Joshua Richardson3:2Jordan Boyce
2017Justin van Tergouw3:0Nathan Girvan
2018Justin van Tergouw3:1Killian Heffernan
2019Leighton Bennett3:0Nathan Girvan
2020Keane Barry3:0Leighton Bennett

All finals can be found on youtube: BDO Youth World Championship

BDO World Championship 2015
BDO World Championship 2016
BDO World Championship 2017
BDO World Championship 2018
BDO World Championship 2019
BDO World Championship 2020

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